Culturally speaking, they would not have their sandals on in the house and their staff would be propped near the door. But not this night.
They were to eat quickly because they had to be ready to leave. Tonight was the night they had been waiting for- they were going to be delivered from the hands of the Egyptians!
Imagine celebrating Passover in the years to follow. When Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples, they still observed the tradition but without the attitude of haste. In fact, they were so relaxed, John lay his head on Jesus's chest (John 13:23). I doubt they had their shoes and staffs close at hand, ready to flee from Egypt. That would just be silly.
Why? Because their deliverance from Egypt was complete. It had already been accomplished.
God has miraculously delivered us too. We too were once in bondage to our sinful flesh, our human nature. But not so anymore! He has set us free.
But so often I forget that my deliverance is complete. comprehensive. finished.
So often I sit with my Converse and staff (I couldn't think of a modern equivalent...) waiting for deliverance from my sins, habits, temptations, circumstances, fill-in-the-blank...forgetful of the fact the power those things had over me was buried 2000 years ago! Time and again, I need to be reminded that my striving for personal salvation is utterly pointless; my deliverance is complete! I need not live FOR salvation, but FROM salvation.

I don't know about you, but that brings me hope and joy! Psalm 71:15 sums it up rather well, "My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure." Psalm 13:6 says, "I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me."
Have a great week and sing to the Lord, for He has been good to us!
P.S. Here's a little song that I love that expresses these sentiments exactly!
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