Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's been a long time...

The fact that I have yet to update my blog in 2010 pretty much tells the story of my life for the past three months. This quarter has been the busiest, most stressful 11 weeks of my life thus far, and unfortunately some things have been neglected. Between my 18 credits at Bellevue College, AP Language, a class at co-op, youth group/student leadership, tutoring, and worship band, other stuff slid.

I haven't cracked open my World Religions textbook. I haven't worked on organizing the next issue of our co-op newsletter. My guitar needs new strings. My room is a mess.

I haven't spent enough time with Jesus.

In times like these, it's my quiet time that takes the hardest hit. It's in times like these that I need it the most. With some of the biggest decisions of my life thus far being made in the next month, it is more important than ever that I am spending time in the Word and in His presence, listening for His voice and tuning my heart to His.

A couple days ago I made a list of all the epic things I wanted to do over spring break, but I think I want to remember this spring break not by the games of Ultimate Frisbee or movie marathons, but by the time I spent communing with my Savior.

"come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." mark 6:31