"Transformers Special Edition Camaro." Photo. chevrolet.com 18 Dec. 2009.
"BRAVIA HD Television." Photo. sonystyle.com 18 Dec. 2009.
Fabio. "Boeing 787 Dreamliner." Photo. aviationspectator.com
18 Dec. 2009.
"iPod Nano." Photo. apple.com 18 Dec. 2009.
"Glass of Water." Photo. wordpress.com 18 Dec. 2009.
"Russian Boy." Photo. donate.worldvision.org 18 Dec. 2009.
"Orphan Boy." Photo. donate.worldvision.org 18 Dec. 2009.
"African Children." Photo. donate.worldvision.org 18 Dec. 2009.
"Little Girl." Photo. donate.worldvision.org 18 Dec. 2009.
"Business Man." Photo. pcx.net 18 Dec. 2009.
Note: The text was taken from a talk I heard given by Walter Bradley, professor of engineering at Baylor University. I'm not sure how to cite it.